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I have not failed.

I have discovered 10,000 things that won't work

Thomas Edison


Topalidou I*, Cattin-Ortolá J*, Hummer B, Asensio CS, Ailion M. EIPR1 controls dense-core vesicle cargo retention and EARP complex localization in insulin-secreting cells. Mol Biol Cell. (2020) 31: 59-79.

*Equal contribution 


Coleman B, Topalidou I, Ailion M. Modulation of Gq-Rho signaling by the ERK MAPK pathway controls locomotion in Caenorhabditis elegans. Genetics. (2018) 209: 523-535.


Topalidou I. The freedom of choice. Science. (2018) 359: 1434. doi: 10.1126/science.359.6382.1434.


Topalidou I, Cooper K, Pereira L, Ailion M. Dopamine negatively modulates the NCA ion channels in C. elegans. PLoS Genet. (2017) 13: e1007032. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1007032.


Topalidou I, Miller DL. Caenorhabditis elegans HIF-1 is broadly required for survival in hydrogen sulfide. G3 (Bethesda). (2017) 7: 3699-3704.


Cattin-Ortolá J, Topalidou I, Dosey A, Merz AJ, Ailion M. The dense-core vesicle maturation protein CCCP-1 binds RAB-2 and membranes through its C-terminal domain. Traffic. (2017) 18: 720-732.


Hoyt JM, Wilson SK, Kasa M, Rise JS, Topalidou I, Ailion M. The SEK-1 p38 MAP kinase pathway modulates Gq signaling in Caenorhabditis elegans. G3 (Bethesda). (2017) 7: 2979-2989.


Topalidou I, Chen PA, Cooper K, Watanabe S, Jorgensen EM, Ailion M. The NCA-1 and NCA-2 ion channels function downstream of Gq and Rho to regulate locomotion in Caenorhabditis elegans. Genetics (2017) 206: 265-282.


Topalidou I, Cattin-Ortola J, Pappas A, Cooper K, Merrihew, GE, MacCoss, MJ, and Ailion M. The EARP complex and its interactor EIPR-1 are required for cargo sorting to dense-core vesicles. PLoS Genet (2016) 12: e1006074. doi:10.1371/journal. pgen.1006074.


Doitsidou M, Flames N, Topalidou I, Abe N, Felton T, Remesal L, Popovitchenko T, Mann R, Chalfie M, Hobert O. A combinatorial regulatory signature controls terminal differentiation of the dopaminergic nervous system in C. elegans. Genes & Dev. (2013) 27: 1391-1405.


Topalidou I*, Keller I*, Kalebic N*, Nguyen KC, Somhegyi H, Politi KA, Heppenstall P, Hall DH, and Chalfie M. Genetically separable functions of the MEC-17 tubulin acetyltransferase affect microtubule organization. Current Biology (2012) 22: 1057-65.

*Equal contribution


Topalidou I, and Chalfie M. Shared gene expression in distinct neurons expressing common selector genes.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (2011) 108: 19258-63.


Pastore C, Topalidou I, Forouhar F, Yan A, Levy M, and Hunt JF. Crystal structure and RNA binding properties of the RRM/AlkB domains in human ABH8.  J. Biol. Chem. (2011) 287: 2130-43.


Topalidou I, van Oudenaarden A, and Chalfie M. Caenorhabditis elegans aristaless/Arx gene alr-1 restricts variable gene expression. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (2011) 108: 4063-4068.


Calixto A*, Chelur D*, Topalidou I*, and Chalfie M. Enhanced neuronal RNAi in C. elegans using SID-1. Nature Methods (2010) 7: 554-559.

*Equal contribution


Imoberdorf RM, Topalidou I, and Strubin M. A role for gcn5-mediated global histone acetylation in transcriptional regulation. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2006) 26: 1610-1616.


Topalidou I*, Papamichos-Chronakis M*, Thireos G, and Tzamarias D. Spt3 and Mot1 cooperate in nucleosome remodeling independently of TBP recruitment. EMBO J. (2004) 23: 1943-1948.

*Equal contribution 


Topalidou I, Papamichos-Chronakis M, and Thireos G. Post-TBP recruitment clearance of Gcn5-dependent histone acetylation within promoter nucleosomes. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2003) 23: 7809-7817.


Topalidou I, and Thireos G. Gcn4 occupancy of open reading frame regions results in the recruitment of chromatin-modifying complexes but not the mediator. EMBO rep. (2003) 4: 872-876 


Papamichos-Chronakis M, Petrakis T, Ktistaki E, Topalidou I, and D. Tzamarias. Cti6, a PHD domain protein, bridges the Cyc8-Tup1 co-repressor and the SAGA co-activator to overcome repression at GAL1.  Mol. Cell (2002) 9: 1-20.


Syntichaki P, Topalidou I, and Thireos G. The Gcn5 bromodomain co-ordinates nucleosome remodeling. Nature (2000) 404: 414-417.

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